Copyright Usage

Copyright Usage DALRO

How do I use someone else’s copyright

Copyright users can obtain the following non-exclusive licenses from a CMO/DALRO:

  • Blanket license: a blanket license gives the copyright user prior authorisation to reproduce any work in the CMO’s repertoire on the terms specified in the license which typically include the usage period, quantity restrictions, payment terms and reporting intervals. This license type is generally less administrative intense for bulk copyright users and is usually only available for published editions.
  • Transactional license: A transactional license gives a copyright user authorisation to use specific works which are agreed prior to using the work, for a specific purpose and specific quantities.

Contact a CMO (DALRO) for assistance.

Royalties paid by copyright users are determined with reference to several factors, which include:

  • the rights to be used
  • the type and extent of usage
  • the duration of the usage
  • the type of license sought by the copyright user (blanket or transactional).

Distributions made by the CMO to the copyright holder generally take into account the royalties paid by the copyright user, the commission or operating expenses of the CMO, any deductions made by the CMO in respect of educational, social and cultural reserves, and any taxes due.

CMOs make distributions in terms of the mandate or as required by law.

Reporting on usage is not a major consideration when it comes to transactional licenses and related distributions because copyright users are granted a specific license to use works in the prescribed manners.

Under blanket licensing, given that copyright users have access to a CMOs entire repertoire, reporting on usage is critical as it determines the accuracy of the royalties and gives a record of compliance with the terms of the licensing agreement. The licensing agreement stipulates the reporting intervals and the type of reporting. Reporting types and therefore distribution principles vary and can include:

  • full reporting – copyright user details all usage
  • sample based reporting – copyright user takes a sample of usage for a specified period and extrapolates the unreported usage.
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